i have some question regarding PSP batteries....can we charge the battery for an extra hours after its fully charged???....i mean let say the battery orady fully charged...so, can we left it charge for an extra hour??....for example....extent it charing time about 7-10 hours....
yea ...im using PSP slim...i think im not satisfy with the battery.....mybe i need to buy fat psp battery for spare.....2 batt solve my probs i guess...haha,...:twisted:...the pic. above PSP fat battery rite??...
yea...8000mah shud do it...try to search all gamshop in town tomorrow for the battery...haha...thanks for ur info...-beat the game like thres no tomorrow-...:lol:
I own PSP fat..My original PSP battery (3.6V, 1800mah) only last for 3-4 hours..right now i'm using MX3 Power (3.6V, 4800mAh). It's not made by Sony but 1 thing for sure it can last for about 7-8 hours.
i have a slim, and please correct me if im wrong, but if you get a fat battery for a slim model you would need a different battery cover?? i have seen them sold but they dont come with the battery
Just to give some people the heads up about the new PSP Slim battery. I just bought the PSP Extended Life Battery Kit at Gamestop yesterday for 45 bucks. Its the bigger battery 2200 mAh and comes with 2 battery covers that fit the new battey. The back of the box says you should get about 8-11 hours of playing time for games. UMD movies about 5-8 hours of playing time. Hope that helps.
yea buzzard..thats wat i hear...psp slim can use fat psp battery but use diff cover....thanks for the info darthtyranus....8-11hours sound great for gaming hours...later i try.....thx for all treply...:twisted:
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