I love the GC and PS2 version of RE4. I kind of wish it were on XBOX as well. The RE: Deadly Silence had some things going for it, but it was a bit of a let down for me. Don't you think that RE4 or a resident evil game with the control style of RE4 would work perfect?
here are my reasons why:
1). Widescreen Format *something they tried to fake on the GC*
2). Analog stick *You only needed one!*
3) Same amount of buttons the GC has not counting Z because it was a MAP button
4). Wouldn't we all like a portable RE that's not as disappointing as the RE: DS?
control is a bit of an issue, but I'd map the buttons like this for the PSP
R: Aim
L: ready Knife
X: Action button/ Shoot
Square: Running
O/ Triangle:Â Inventory Screen
Start: Pause
Select: Map
Analog stick: Movement
Directional Pad: Movement or an extra setting for quick weapon switch or healing.
I have been thinking about an RE PSP game for a while, I was just wondering if anyone else thought the same.
Soul Calibur can be perfect! It can have basically the same layout as the PS2 version, and Namco is making a Tekken PSP, so why not a Soul Calibur?? I would love to see one of the two, but they MUST BE ORIGINAL GAMES. Im tired of remakes and remixes!
R: Block
L: Soul Charge
Square: Horizontal Attack
Triangle: Vertical Attack
O: Kick
i think it would turn out great if they thought of it.
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