I'm trying to buy a PSP slim ceramic white but it seems sony's only released this with darth vader's ugly face on the back. I was trying to avoid importing a japanese PSP to avoid compatibility problems.
Anyone knows if sony is planning to release the ceramic white PSP without the starwars pack? Does this have a date on its back? I'm too damn anxious! :!:cry:
Same here man, I feel the same exact way. The way I see it, Sony could have had double the sales of Ceramic PSP Slims right now if that nasty Darth Vadar pic wasn't on the back.
Sony rep told me a few weeks back that there will be a stand-alone ceramic white PSP coming out. Right now they're pushing it in the bundle because the new Star Wars Battlefront is supposed to be a big deal. The game isn't bad, I just wanted the PSP with Vader on it. Vader friggin' rules.
I heard someone say they'd come out on nov 10th, is that accurate? I'm also wondering if the normal ceramic whites will be the same price as the bundles; were that to be right, then it'd be best to buy a bundle, sell the game and buy a white battery cover. :?
I want to get a replacement faceplate for my ceramic white star wars psp. The faceplates I see on ebay just say white, only the entire housing for double the money says ceramic. Is ceramic white and the "white" ones for sale the same color? It looks the same to me but you can't really tell if you aren't in person. If not besides ebay does anyone know where to buy a ceramic white psp faceplate? Thanks.
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