Okay...so Sony's pricing this thing really aggressively, to the point where I think I'm willing to just give it a shot even though I don't know if it works for me, so I've got piles of questions maybe people can help with...
-I understand it works with glasses...is that annoying? And if I'm nearsighted, is there a chance I could use this WITHOUT glasses? I mean it's sticking a screen right on my face, so I sort of feel like doesn't that mean I could just see it without my glasses like I read my iPad from a foot away or half a foot away or whatever?
-It doesn't come with headphones? Does that mean you need a wired pair of over the ear headphones to use with it?
-It uses the camera for tracking I guess, so even though you can move around, I assume you have to sort of have the camera a certain distance and aimed at you, and have to face it?
-Do you need the "move" controllers? I bought some YEARS ago on PS3 and hated them, sold them almost immediately. They didn't really work at all...in fact they worked way worse for me than the Wii's controllers, and I hated those too. Frankly I'd rather just play games with the regular controller, I think... Plus that adds $100-200 or whatever more to the cost!
-Can you use PSVR to play ANY PS4 game even if it's not supported? Like can you use it to just display a virtual TV basically, so that even though it's flat, it can be used as a TV of sorts? (I might just have my PS4 Pro situated somewhere without a TV if that's the case, just always use it with PSVR)
-Do you have to buy new special versions of Skyrim and Fallout 4 to have them be VR versions, and if so are they the full games, just made to explicitly support PSVR?
-Because of it's backwards compatibility, I'm standardizing on Xbox One X, so anyone heard if it's going to support VR, like if I could just be playing Skyrim and Fallout 4 in VR over there?
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