Right this is just a tip that you all know save DP points as soon as you get a few collect guns (eg most weapons such as the pistols you will get from scarabs in shadow moses if you gun a lot of them down I got there G18c, 100 GSRs, PMM Five seven) So most guns you will not need to get from Drebin (me I only needed to buy Tangashima, Bizon, MP5SD2, AN94, Fal Carbine,Mk.46 mod 1,Saiga12, M82A2 and XM25).
Right that my first tip btw that was my first play through second tip is if you cant be asked doing it without alerts or kills then do this method.
1) Start it on Liquid easy (easiest mode so its one shot kill and a load of rations and ammo).
2) Go to South America and fight your way past the power station and to the next building area which is the last defense before you enter mansion area. (more description of the area: to get to this fortification you will have to fight past an APC and a Heli take em out with RPG it easy and this is AFTER meeting Drebin) this is the part where you being on easy comes in because it is quite likely to be only you against the PMCs very few militia will help you anyway you dont need their help. (note: it is alot easier if militia are your ALLIES!!! I did it with them against me and I ended up restarting they dont harm you they just piss you off).
3) Go to the right side of the buildings and you should end up seeing militia firing rockets at the PMC defenders instrad of getting involved go behind the crates or rocks that are the PMC defenses.
4)up to here it has been boring and you will be getting M60s and Mk17s. Now however get ready for quite literally the big guns XM320s are dropped by these PMC as are M60s unfortunatley though. XM320s are those grenade launchers u can stick on the mount of the M4 custom and XM8 for example and here is the big thing they are worth 12000DP ea!
5) Now i told you to hide behind those crates so that when the PMC troops come out you can hold em up! note killing them makes it x0.10 making the amount of DP per XM320 1200DP ea which is no good. So best thing to do is if you have got here the main weapons that should be in weapon inventory should be these: Operator with silencer (less easy for them to notice they only cost 200Dp and they help loads), Mk.II silenced tranquiliser can be useful if the target is too far away for you to hold up so you can tranq them and get x0.20 rather than 0.10, an SMG (maybe M10, MP7) since its on easy just use which ever SMG you have has the most ammo mine was MP7. Anyway Those are the three main others that you may want Sniper rifle unlikely to use, and as usuall an assault rifle note this and the SMG are for if you get an alert which will be often if you dont have stealth gear!
6)Now remember Hold them up dont bother checking them and remember to keep an eye on your health you psyche will get depleted quickly because where you stand there is no shade and you are constantly under fire if you have syringe lucky you it will come in handy. best way to Hold them up is wait for the militia to attack them (dont worry the militia couldnt hit a barn door although they may hit you with a rocket or two because they are dumbasses but your on easy it will do bug all damage) anyway draw your operator aproach them with it aimed at their back but watch out for othe PMC troopers you may want to tranq them especially those with M60s. ANyway as soon as they drop their XM320 (btw XM320 makes them look as though they have a pocket nade launcher and the M60s are the guys with the LMGs. Note as soon as they drop their weapon its safe to blow them away with the operator then hide again and if you do get an alert hide further back or even move position to the other side it will blow the PMCs minds.
Thats it have fun but let me tell you in 1 day I got to S.A and I got there with about 500k DP and in about 3 hours of solid gameplay had 2.6mill DP enough to buy one of the stealth items or bandana! but be aware it is fairly boring and you need to pay attention and keep your solid eye charged keep the militia/rebels on your side so they arent gunning for you as well as the PMCs and make sure you have enough recov items.
Right another tip if you are on shadow moses enter this on Otacans terminal 14893 and you immediatley get 100,000DP no tricks or cheats.
Last tip when you buy Stealth item and bandana buy them on the last mission and also buy TAngashima then as well and any other gun you dont have already. Buy them on the last mission halves cost so you save 5 mill if you buying both Stealth item and Bandana.
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