I have this 40gig ps3, and I dont install many things that aren't games. I have over 10 games installed, and so far I have only used up 12 gigs. I dont have a lot of money, and I want 5 things for the first half of 09. I can only get 2 of the 5 things I want, and ill have to wait til the end of june to get the other 3.
the things I want are:
resident evil 5
street fighter 4
white knight chronicles
killzone 2
and finally this awesome HDD that is being sold for the price of a game: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152111
so my question is this: for the people with a lot of games, how quick did you use up your (insert ps3's amount of gigs) ps3? I worry is that the HDD wont be sold in the future, and I might need it later in a few years. but to only have one game for 6 months!?! maybe the HDD will still be there and I can buy it in June...
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