I'll start from the beginning...
I own a PS3, I have one SIXAXIS, I have one official USB charger cable (w/ the block on the "B" end), it is easily confused with a cable for connecting a digital camera to a pc. My mother is easily confused...
My mother teaches computers at my town's community centre, she currently does a course on digital cameras every Wednesday. You may be able to see where this is going
Earlier today, the LED on my SIXAXIS began blinking indicating the battery was low on charge. I looked around the room for my charger cable............It was nowhere to be found. "No biggie" I said "Mam will just have put it in the camera box like she always does". I checked the camera box........Not a USB cable in sight, where usually there would be 3 or 4.
Then it hit me, Mam had taken all the USB cables in the house, including my SIXAXIS charger cable,down to the community centre for her class, and had forgotten to bring them back to the house
Now I'm stuck without the use of my PS3. "Why don't you play your PS2 then?" you ask me. well the only PS2 game I was playing at the moment was ff12 and very conveniently the game saves were on the virtual memory card on the PS3 HDD
I'm officially going to go mad until I can get my charger cable back..............
My question is do you NEED the official charger cable (b/c of the block) or can I use another cable w/ the same connectors w/o bricking my PS3 or my SIXAXIS???????????
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