) How long have you owned your PlayStation 3?
Since December (as soon as i could find one), so...almost 6 months.
2 ) How many Games do you currently own?
Only two, including the free GTHD. :( I just had to get one at launch. I'm waiting for HS, Lair, Warhawk, J&D, LBP, and MGS4.
3 ) How many Blu-Ray films do you own, if any?
Three, including the free Talldega Nights.
4 ) Do you own an HDTV?
1680x105 LG WS 16:10 pc monitor
5 ) Do you own any other next gen systems?
A Wii, which i got on launch (nine hours in front of Best Buy, baby).
6 ) If not, do you intend on purchasing one in the future?
Possibly an x360 if it gets enough games i want (primarily platformers and action/adventure) and the hardware problems are fixed.
7 ) What's your opinion on Microsoft?
I'm a pc gamer, and after all the problems i've had with Windows, the fact that everything they make is faulty as hell (360 hardware? WinXP service packs?), and the fact that they have been convicted of various anti-trust suits and that they essentially force me to use Windows OS because every game is made for Windows due to their large market share, i absolutely can't stand them.
8 ) What's your opinion on Nintendo?
I love them. Best 1st party titles around (though Sony beats them by sheer quantity). Zelda is the best franchise ever.
9 ) Do you believe the PlayStation 3 is fairly priced?
For what you get, it's a steal, but i can see why others would complain, if they don't want certain features it has. Of course, i'm one of those that believe Blu-Ray is very helpful for games (see Uncharted), so it seems necessary to me.
10 ) Finally: Upon finally receiving your PlayStation 3 console, were you disappointed? amazed beyond expectation? rr it just about filled your expectations.
I was amazed in some areas, and disappointed in others. I didn't realize just how much it could do, and how intuitive it was going to be, but at the same time the fact that most of games i was anticipating got delayed almost a year disappointed me.
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