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Do a Google for your state's local sales tax (that's how I check before I'm going to make a major purchase).
GameStop warranties are typically one year and offer a full replacement if your console breaks/stops operating.
I would expect to pay a little over $60 for the extended warranty (Gamestop typically charges a bit over 10% of the total sales price of the console).
My 360 Elite warranty was just under $50 for the year's worth of coverage.
if ulive in tx its 650$ total with tax inculuded
if i where you do not buy from gamestop buy from Frys or Best Buy
yeah, man you don't need a warranty with the ps3 Sony i believe already gives you a warranty and very reliable customer service. Not to mention the ps3 is a piece of very well made very realible hardware. I really have not heard any claims of a ps3 breaking down or "red lights of death". Save yourself some money or use that money to buy games because you really don't the need the warranty.
i live in florida, im thinkin about buyin it from best buy or wal-mart. which has a better warranty or they the same thing? a friend (who doesn't own a PS3 or really know anything about anything) told me that the warranty at wal-mart is $100.00. is the warranty really that much. and should i buy my ps3 from Best Buy Circuit City or Wal-Mart. there are no gamestop close to me.Neo-37
you dont need the warranty just likethe rest say keep your receipt and just keep it out in the open and you will be fine
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