Just wanted to say im getting annoyed with PS3 owners moaning about our machine losing some of it's exclusives e.g DMC 4 or the whole MGS4, FF13 and GTA debate and wether or not there going to be released on that other console.You know? Things like that.Although they will be great games, they were franchises that added to the great legacy of the PS2.I guess what I'm trying to say is we should be looking forward to the games that will define the era of the PS3 (Heavenly Sword,Lair..etc)
I don't think SE will release anything that will hurt PS3's sales, since Sony actually owns some stock of SE and had some huge deals in the past, mostyl in benefit to SE, (movies, publishing etc.). I strongly doubt SE would screw Sony over by releasing FFXII (the maingame) to any multiplat. But you never know in buisness.
Who care about these old franchises? I want new IP's. I really don't care if FF or MGS go to the 360 to much. ModernTimes
Sony cares and so does allot of people. Those games have large fan base and many of them will only get a new system when the new instalment of their favourite game is released.
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