"Here is a remastered version of the trailer from E3 2006 which had created sensation at the time of its presentation. This new version was carried out with the new engine for the playstation 3 and thus benefits from notable improvements: irrepproachable fluidity, additions of effects of particles, motion blur, lightings, additional angles of camera,... the result is extremely promising.
Note: watch trailer carefully at least till the middle of runtime to notice additions
-Running on latest 3D Engine on Ps3
-added new camera angles
-added storyline & extra gameplay with snake vs. enemy Giant machine
1)Smooth framerate the whole time.
2Particle effects are greatly improved. Whether it's sparks or rubble, whenever a Gekkou breaks something, there's a thick cloud of small stones and dust. Smoke is more prominent too.
3)Use of Motion blur.
4)Some very slight angle changes. For instance, when Snake picks up his cigarette."
Actually looks really good if you look at the previous version, then this one. Something I DON'T like though, is the fact that, after the scene where snake puts the gun in his mouth, then the credits come on (after the "METAL GEAR SOLID 4" logo pops up), in the E3 2006 version, it had "PLAYSTATION 3" next to the "Kojima Productions" symbol...
Now it's not there.
I know about all the stupid rumors, but that still makes me uneasy (and yes, I kno it's small, but if you clicked on this topic just for a REMASTERED version of the same trailer, then you must know how important some visual cues are). What's the point of taking that off?
On a side note, I love how the fullscreen + zoom x 2 looks on the "PLAY FRANCE" site (the link). The PS3 wave in the backround and everything is a nice touch.
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