Just found this article about racism in Online-gaming.. This is mainly about Xbox live, but it concern us too. I just though that I'd like to post it cause I feel like having fun while playing my favorite games, not hearing anyone yelling at some guy because of some &%##&/%/ accent.
Please read this and keep this thread bumped:)
Racism in gaming is no laughing matter
Over the past few months gamers have been noticing an ever-increasing amount of racism and ethic slurs in games such as COD4 and Halo 3. It's getting to the point where you can't even say hi to people in a lobby without being berated by so called "gamers" for your accent. And it doesn't stop there. People are reporting that they are being given bad feedback or having complaints filed against them by gamers in lobbies based on the simple fact that they are from a particular country.
So what are the causes for the increasing amount of smack talk and discrimination in the gaming scene? Is it because of the huge influx of inexperienced players joining Xbox live? Or is it that competition simply brings out the worst in peoples nature? It's neither. The fact of the matter is that it's uneducated, bigoted, low life's who have no concept of the world around them and take no pride in their gaming. So as gamers what can we do about this epidemic? Microsoft obviously can't police it as their complaints system is inadequate and non-transparent. And spending your time avoiding players not only takes the fun out of on-line gaming, but doesn't seem to even work correctly. The answer is naming and shaming these people. As gamers it is up to us to take control of our actions and create the environment that we want to play in. If you run a gaming website or you forum on the many fine clan sites out there, make a thread about the offending clan or person who is bringing disrepute to our community. The more good gamers who know about these people the better. We can shame these people into submission because you come across them all the time in your favourite games.
As gamers we're all intrinsically interlinked and share a common connection, that being the love of gaming. We are bigger and better than racial slurs or ethnic beating. Enough is enough guys, If you even feel you are being discriminated against just because of where you are from or the way you talk, report that gamer to Xbox live and make it known on your local forums who the clan or offender is. It's up to us to own this problem and start doing something about it.
LINK for a easier read: http://www.nextgg.com/Racism-in-gaming-is-no-laughing-matter.html
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