Is it just me or is ESRB getting picky with Ratings. All I see nowadays is rated M, and thep roblem is, my mom hates rated M back when I had the N64, 007 Golden Eye had lots of blood and violence and all, and it was rated teen.. nowadays racing games are rated Teen and like..most shooting and fighting games are rated M. Makes me angry.
Yeah, some games do seem a little extremely rated, though developers do add some details that cause the game rating to be risen. If Resistance didn't have all the swearing and the blood was slightly toned down, the game would probablybe T.
Yes, thats true. With al the bad things going on in the world and crimes being connected to games it seems like games get rated mature as soon as you can kick or shout at someone.
For me it doesn't matter that much, cause Im 18. But for some, like you, it sucks
Yeah cuz there was a while that i was gonna get the 360 and i convinced my mom to get Gears too cuz its fighting aliens, but then I played Ps3 at my friends house and totally changed my mind. now i gotta go do everything again, xcept now, with resistance :P
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