Why hackers should desist their tirade against Sony and the PS3 console, and how PS3 has seen the light since it's otherwise dastardly beginning.
Feel free to list any reasons you feel the PS3 is getting the shaft, or debate otherwise in support of resistance towards the console and Sony respectively. Otherwise I will list off reasons why the console is getting a bad-rap despite its early history of ridiculous costs, attacks on the used gaming market, and other restrictive practices.
- Free-to-play online network: While Microsoft has been putting an ever more expensive toll-booth in front of an otherwise simple service, Sony competitively and wisely listed same service for free.
- Steam support: Now owning certain games on the PS3 will respectively be owned on your PC. Increased accessibility and communication between gamers and networks, creating a better flow of free perks from Valve. Perhaps Team Fortress 2 on the PS3 will finally have the extra perks of its PC counterpart.
- Providing a platform for an Oddworld revival: While Microsoft has blocked developer JustAddWater's upcoming remakes of Oddworld gems like Stranger's Wrath, Sony has opened the gates no questions asked for Oddworld HD.
- They've already been punished by all manner of angry-god disasters: The earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster have made a toll on Sony and its employees in some shape or form.
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