I recently bought a PS3 with 3 games Killzone2, GOW3 and Uncharted2.
I also own a good PC gaming rig and an XBOX360. Well, overall I like PS3. i'm still not used to its gamepad and prefer XBOX's gamepad more, it just doesn't feel comfortable like XBOX, but the main reason for buying a console is how it's games are in terms of quality.
I begin with Killzone2, It's just outright amazing, I couldn't expect it to be so good. It's graphics are excellent, you can not still watch a console game up close like PC and if you do it looks blurry and low res, but if you take your distance from the HDTV, it's amazing. Gameplay is really satisfying too.
Now onto uncharted2, I was disappointed, mainly because it was praised for it's graphics, it's not good atl all in terms of graphics, the lightning is cheap, low res textures are everywhere, only facial animations are good and those are cutscenes, might as well be pre-rendered movies. gameplay here is just like a polished tomb raider game, which is not so much. This game getting a graphics award on all platforms is just not right.
GOW3, the graphics and gamplay are superb, very excellent. It's just what it's advertised to be.
I intend to buy the following games also: heavy rain, resistance2 and MGS4.
Do you guys have any suggestion on what games i should try? Also your input my on my ramblings is quite welcome :D
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