I´ve never really liked racing games (except for mario kart) but recently ivé found myself interested in exploring the racing genre. So, could you please recommend mw a fun, exciting, with a good replay value, online play, with exploring and not just racing, with car crashes, and cop chasing PSP racing game. thanks!
I currently play Burnout Legends and love the game, this is coming from someone who gets bored with games quick too
edited: after rereading your Post I dont know if Burnout is for you. Its a simple game, no real customizing of your cars and no real exploration, just racing, crashing other cars, cop chases, and things like that. It is still fun and has great graphics.
I only have wipe0ut pure, and it's a great racing game, have the others for my consoles. But when wipe out comes out for the PS3 later this year I will diffently be getting it.
NFS Carbon has everything you are describing there; exploration (has free roam), online play, and cop chasing. There is also customization, a storyline, and a new crew race mode. I like it.
I would get Burnout over Wipeout. I got burnout first, and then Wipeout, and I couldnt bring myself to play it for very long. Wipeout probably requires more skill, but burnout is definitely more FUN
Need For Speed: Carbon sounds like it is the game for you... It just came out about two or three months ago too... I have not played it yet but I am hearing it is really good...
Burnout is a great game, but speed/sound/options/races are much better on a console. I think that Wipeout on PSP is AS good as any, if not better, and NFS Carbon was the same basic experience on the PSP, Id prob go for Carbon based on what you said. If ur thinkin burnout, definately wait for the new one in a couple of weeks. I'm looking forwards to that
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