I completely loved the game but I was a little dissapointed with it in a few areas.
First off I was really dissapointed with Tall Trees area, it's simply way too small. I was so excited to finally get into that part of the map in the story and I expected this massive giant forest you could get lost in, but instead it only takes less than 2 minutes to ride through the whole thing. Very dissapointed.
I found the hunting to be very unrealistic and dissapointing aswell, in real life hunting, animals don't just run up to you and attack you in massive waves, nor do you just run up to an animal and blow it's head off. In real life you track the animal and follow it's tracks and the animal moves around, it just doesn't charge at you out of nowhere, animals tend to avoid humans. And who the hell goes "hunting" with a colt 1911 pistol?Who the hell hunts with any pistol for that matter, all you do in the game is ride up to the animal on your horse with a handgun and blast an entire clip in it's face and call it hunting. Very dissapointing, I expected better.
No trians in Multiplayer also was dissapointing. It would have been AWESOME to rob a train with your buddies online but you can't.
And I found most of the gang hideouts to be pretty easy and pointless especially in MP as there were only like two or three gang hideouts that would give you decent or good XP, all the others were just a waste of time.
Also there are alot of places in the game that don't have any purpose whatsoever but they are land marks on the map, for instance take this place called warthington ranch in the Story mode, it's marked on the map but it serves literally no purpose at all. Also I was hoping to see a "Good, the bad and the ugly" duel/grave site location in the game but there isn't any.
Overall great game but just a few things I found to be underdeveloped.
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