So, you guys have seen the resent trailer and heard the announcements for you think that Capcom has finally heard our cries ? Do you think that the franchise is going back to what made it the "BEST" survival horror franchise?? Discuss...(I need something to keep my mind off of Ghost Recons delay):cry:
Absolutely not, Marc. If anything, they're taking it further down the Action Highway and farther from what many of us consider to be the series' strengths... This looks more like DMC than RE... To me, anyway... And I'm not too happy about it. I didn't like RE4, hated RE5, and now this and the FPS games, etc just turn my stomach.
Still, there are other games that carry on true Survival Horror, so it's not like there's nowhere else to turn. But after watching that trailer, I wash my hands of Resident Evil.
EDIT: I also liked "Dead Space"... But then I wasn't looking for Resident Evil in that game. I took it for what it is as apposed to what it used to be. Resident Evil may have gone global-huge with RE4, but it was the beginning of the end as far as I'm concerned. Glad others dig it, but I don't. I'm sure CAPCOM won't suffer for losing my $60 on this one.
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