Did I get that right?? If it's true, than how many enemys are there going to be *head hurts*..
But with how many people can you battle in online multy player? So or so, I'm getting Resistance 2..
Ya you can have 8 player coop online, its supposively different from the singleplayer to but I have no idea how many enemies their will be, it'll deffinately balance out according to how many people their actually are..2, 4, or 8 or whatever
Playing with 8 players is going to be stupid if this happens:
Seven players(your one of them) join somebody or they join to you to play 8 plyr. co-op. Then the 8. one joins...
The level beginns, every thing is fun but then the 8. plyr. starts doing some stupid things. Uses all of his ammo, stars throwing granates at other plyrs. or does nothing. (it doesn't have to be the 8. plyr., lol)
I hope you can bann guys (or girls...) like that from the game! Maybe that doesn't even happen...
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