Me and a friend were playing Resistance 2 online cooperativly and wondering how to pbtain specter intel. It says collect all intel on coop. Where is the intel
actually all you have to do is play each lvl enough times as there are intel. example Chicago i think there are like 9 pieces for that lvl all you have to do is play that lvl 9 times. also is does not matter what part of the lvl you end up playing. i played 1 lvl 10 time the same way every time.
Like Untouchables said, play each lvl as needed. Chicago has 9, so play it 9 times. Orick has 12, so play it 12 times, etc. etc. There are 64 total between the different locations. You'll know what you have when you start a lvl. The story that pops up while the lvl is loading is the intel. Look up in the top left corner and you'll see the number you have/need. Example: 2/12
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