Hey guys, ive been reading different forums that Rock Band 2 equipment and World Tour equipment are interchangeable. And know from experience that Rock Band 1 equipment works with Rock Band 2... But does Rock Band 1 equipment work with World Tour? from my understanding there shouldnt be any reason it wouldnt.. but thought id ask just to make sure i got a great deal on the guitar bundle World Tour for 60$... so i guess ill just have to wait until it arrives to be sure...
I have both sets of equipment from these two games. In GHWT, using the RB1 drums, the notes go down to 4 notes instead of the regular 5 notes since there are only 4 drum pads on the RB1 kit. For the RB1 guitar in GHWT, you'll just use the guitar as usual but I read somewhere here that you can't use the upper keys. I'm mostly playing with the GHWT drums right now and the guitar is great too in RB1 & 2 and GWHT.
awesome.. thanks for the confirmation! that means ill be able to play the drums bit in world tour no issue! well.. apart from the 5->4 note stream.. but whateverÂ
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