Sony Working On PS3 "Elite" Model?
In a filing dated earlier this month, Sony contacted the US Federal Communications Commission to request a "****II permissive change" to the PLAYSTATION 3. This was done in accordance with changes to the included Bluetooth antenna and came from the Sony Coporation's Product Quality Office.
While FCC filings are generally dry as dust, this one has an interesting addition. A new PLAYSTATION 3 model (CECHE01) with an 80GB hard disk was listed as an additional inclusion to the original FCC grant. The two current model numbers CECHA01 and CECHB01 specify the 60GB and 20GB versions, respectively.
A 20GB jump from the top of the line PLAYSTATION 3 seems like an odd additional SKU, but we've seen stranger things happen.
Could this new hard disk represent a totally new model or simply a storage upgrade? Will the 80GB PS3 at some point become the lower-end model? We've heard in the past from inside sources that the Ken Kutaragi was pushing for the introduction of a 250GB model PS3, so future models of the console may feature increased storage. We'll be contacting Sony in the morning to gather additional details.
Source Kotaku
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