I have a 40GB PS3. I had to get it repaired about 3 months ago. I went to this technician shop and they repaired the lens and thermal paste. After, I can play MW2, KZ3, BFBC2 (Only games I currently own) without the fan going crazy. Only games I played that made my fan sound like a hair dryer were Red Dead Redemption and LA Noire. I rented and beat both of those. My PS3 is still working fine.
Will Uncharted 2 make my fan go crazy and overwork it to a point where it breaks? I'm just wondering. I'll be getting the Beta later tonight, but I'm thinking of buying uncharted 2 just to play the single player.I know there are other forums about this. I just want to know if it's Safe for my, repaired 40GB PS3. Thanks
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