Alot of people these days say, Don't compare Saints Row 2 And GTA IV as they are completely different games, I beg to differ.
Missions & Story - Comparison
Saints Row 2 has no ideological story it is to original and in between the missions you must kill aimlessly to complete another one while in the process losing money. What is the point of this? How does this work. Well it does if your a nerd who can spend 5 hours on killing aimlessly.
Grand Theft Auto IV has a movie like story which portrays a Russian Illegal Immigrant in the USA after the collapse of the Soviet Communist Union named Niko Bellic I would describe him as a cold blooded tank of whom Kills to survive and at the same time improve his financial state. Throughout the story he improves his reputation but I won't elaborate more as it may give away the game to some of whom Have not played it. The Phone aspect in the game really made it easier and also catching taxis of which SR2 failed to do. The missions keep coming and if you explore you can find the Gangsters instead of constantly being attacked.
Open Gameplay Fun - Comparison
The graphics in SR2 really ruined the game but the variety of weapons & vechiles is much larger than GTA IV and activities as in SR2 you can completely design your charachter not just his clothes. The driving in GTA IV Is much more realistic and so is the cause of death, overall GTA IV gets the brownie points on realisim. Killing is much the same but it is much easier to aim on GTA IV and SR2 Aiming is incredibly awful.
Grand Theft AUto IV's graphics were Amazing better than I had seen on any other game, it is the main reason it got such a high rating from Gamespot and the New York Times. It has a weapon variet unfortunately not as great as Saints Row 2's. GTA IV's Aiming is realistic and so is the range of bullets. The vechiles look better in GTA IV and there are quite a variety but Aircraft & helicopters are better in SR2 and as a matter of fact they don't have Aircraft for us to fly in GTA IV. Both games are fun to rome arround in.
Online - Comparison (Semi)
I have not used SR2 Online.
GTA IV Online is fun to play but overtime is repetitvely boring. The variety of game modes is good but the setting up of games is not and should be fixed by rockstar. Hopefully they do so in the future. Unfortunately lag defines the winner in alot of the cases.
Now my question to you is, What is your opinion? I would like to know I have an open mind to all your opinions on this interesting topic.
Thanks Zxx
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