After looking at a few stores around here, I found this (not from Wal-Mart). Anyone know if its good? It's $299, but Factory Refurbished. What does that mean (like will it have a chance to be broken again?)? Also, what does Integrated HDTV mean? It's from Sanyo, 30", HDMI, goes to 1080i, and has the turners. Is this a great buy, because this is most likely the TV I'll get for the price.
refurbished means they had to fix and they did and now selling it at a lesser price becuase of it, obviously it can break again so shoot for some kind of warranty if possible. integrated hdtv means it has that built in tuner and all you need is an antennae to get over the air HD channels instead of needing a cable box. i am not a huge sanyo fan but if its all you can afford sure go for it, crt are good for better colors just size and wieght are the disadvantage
That really looks like a sweet deal if there is 30 day satisfaction guarantee with it. As for being refurbished it may mean it was returned for any reason and sent back to the factory and inspected/repaired. I have bought things that were refurbished and usually they work very well. But it is a gamble anytime you buy something refurbished.
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