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There hasn't been any thing from Sony saying there will even be a 40 gig version, all this is from some one that has no idea of what Sony is doing.jimm895
yup. some kid spreading rumors just to be popular
[QUOTE="jimm895"]There hasn't been any thing from Sony saying there will even be a 40 gig version, all this is from some one that has no idea of what Sony is doing.zeforgotten
yup. some kid spreading rumors just to be popular
Famitsu, and other reporters have said it's patented, and was sent testers. People said the American 80gb was a rumor, but most of the time these rumors don't just come out of nowhere. That said,
The 40gb was said to be packed with Spiderman 3 on Blu-Ray, since that movie doesn't come out until late November, they'd basically be saying "Hey, we're offering a cheaper PS3 in 2 months". That would kill current sales and their stock would drop when the sales drop, weakening brand, and lowering sales of the other unit no matter how cheap it is. When they dropped the 60gb's price, it was effective immediately, so sales and brand strength rose immediately and drastically.
So ask yourself, how would announcing a cheaper model 2 months before it's available help Sony at all? No one will buy it until then. Sony wants to get rid of their current supply as efficiently as possible, and that means not announcing the 40gb just yet.
DO you think sony wont annouce the 40 gig SKU till next christmas, to just dominate that holiday? With MGS4, FF13, GTA, GT, LBP, and and bunch more with a 40gig model could skyrocket sales. But with a 40gig sku for this season how can they manage 11million unites sold? Bolundwhy does everone keep sayin 11 mil sold, they said they wanted to meet the mark of 11 mil shipped not sold, huge difference
[QUOTE="zeforgotten"][QUOTE="jimm895"]There hasn't been any thing from Sony saying there will even be a 40 gig version, all this is from some one that has no idea of what Sony is doing.staley6565
yup. some kid spreading rumors just to be popular
Famitsu, and other reporters have said it's patented, and was sent testers. People said the American 80gb was a rumor, but most of the time these rumors don't just come out of nowhere. That said,
The 40gb was said to be packed with Spiderman 3 on Blu-Ray, since that movie doesn't come out until late November, they'd basically be saying "Hey, we're offering a cheaper PS3 in 2 months". That would kill current sales and their stock would drop when the sales drop, weakening brand, and lowering sales of the other unit no matter how cheap it is. When they dropped the 60gb's price, it was effective immediately, so sales and brand strength rose immediately and drastically.
So ask yourself, how would announcing a cheaper model 2 months before it's available help Sony at all? No one will buy it until then. Sony wants to get rid of their current supply as efficiently as possible, and that means not announcing the 40gb just yet.
THe 40G sku is an internet rumor. I don't expect a 40 g unit to be released at all. Spectulation like this does nothing goodfor the public image of Sony. Question : why eliminate the 20G then the60G to focus on a 80G then releae a 40G? This make no sense at all. Keep dreaming if you think a 40G PS3 will be released, The HDD size will go up not down.nimuk
Well considering there's some proof to along with the specualtion, the 40gb model has been patented, this is not just a rumour made up by some gaming forum user.
But then again companys register patent's all the time without releasing a product.
The rumour is sony plan on releasing a 40 gb model for $399 and reducing the 80GB model to $499 and spider-man 3 to be packed in with one or both models.
I'd say its a safe bet that once the 60gb ps3 stock has ran out sony will announce a 40gb ps3 for $399.
I'm going to take a geuss and say the 40gb will be announced after the 60gb runs out of stock for $399, and the 80gb will drop price to $499 in novemberwhen spider-man 3 is released so it can be in the pack.
Or more likely the 40gb will be announced at the same time the 80gb drops $100, which then i assume the announcement will not be untill november, but that would mean if the 60gb runs out soon sony will only have a $599 80gb sku on the market for around a month, well they say theres plenty of stock so the 60gb might last till november.
I already have a ps3 i paid £425($850) so im not too fussed what they do,so im not dreaming for it, im quite happy with my purchase, i just think its very likely this will happen and it would be a great move on sonys part, and would help greatly for the xmas sales, they would have a ps3 that competes directly with the most popualr 360 model in terms of price, and with the ps3 having a blu-ray drive inside it could steal potential buyers who are on the fence about which console to get.
[QUOTE="Bolund"]DO you think sony wont annouce the 40 gig SKU till next christmas, to just dominate that holiday? With MGS4, FF13, GTA, GT, LBP, and and bunch more with a 40gig model could skyrocket sales. But with a 40gig sku for this season how can they manage 11million unites sold? -DirtySanchez-why does everone keep sayin 11 mil sold, they said they wanted to meet the mark of 11 mil shipped not sold, huge difference
Yes theres a difference but not a huge difference, for them to ship 11 million they would need to sell around 9-10 million so thats double there install base in 4 months, granted its the holiday season but thats a big task.
The only way i see them meeting that goal is to do what Microsoft was rumoured to do last year and that is stuff the channel(send out allot more systems than demand asks for,leaving retailers with a bunch of stock).
I wasnt an rumour it was a guess by an analyst. As Ive said, Sony will drop the price when they can. Theyve got a new process coming soon for the cell and such which will reduce its cost but till then you're not going to see a drop. teebeenz
It was not a geuss by analysts, it was a website reporting information they recieved from an inside mole, the same guy/guy's that first reported the new 360 with hdmi and wired rock band controllers for 360 and several other rumours that became true.
These guys have a very good track record for leaking announcements.
If sony is smart they will only annouce the 40GB later toward the holiday season....if the rumour is true.bobaban
I still don't understand why they would want to release an inferior PS3, when they can just lower the price ofthe 80gigand release one with more space, so far this has been the trend. Don't take these rumors to heart, as we all know they're not always on the money.Although, I admit, if the 40gig were to come out and with a substantial price reduction, this would push many doubters and skeptics over the edge to get one, plus the erroneously, so called "average consumer" would be more likely to get one.
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Usually when a Rumour has that many articles it turns out to be true
There was no rumour, no plans, it was an analyst who guessed they would. He knew nothing more than anyone else, get over it.teebeenz
the FCC says otherwaise, they finished testing a new Ps3 model, which has a different model number than the 20, 60, and 80 models
and the original rumor from the Sony insider said it was going to be a bundle with Spiderman 3, so if there is nothing when spiderman 3 comes out, then its certainly for next year
why does everone keep sayin 11 mil sold, they said they wanted to meet the mark of 11 mil shipped not sold, huge difference[QUOTE="-DirtySanchez-"][QUOTE="Bolund"]DO you think sony wont annouce the 40 gig SKU till next christmas, to just dominate that holiday? With MGS4, FF13, GTA, GT, LBP, and and bunch more with a 40gig model could skyrocket sales. But with a 40gig sku for this season how can they manage 11million unites sold? shadystxxx
Yes theres a difference but not a huge difference, for them to ship 11 million they would need to sell around 9-10 million so thats double there install base in 4 months, granted its the holiday season but thats a big task.
The only way i see them meeting that goal is to do what Microsoft was rumoured to do last year and that is stuff the channel(send out allot more systems than demand asks for,leaving retailers with a bunch of stock).
Sony said 11 million shipped by next fiscal year which is Mar 08. there is not a chance in hell they can ship 11 million by end of this holiday season dawg.
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Usually when a Rumour has that many articles it turns out to be true
add these as well
FCC report:
They'll probably do it this holiday season.Flame_Blade88
I hope so, since I'm gonna buy it for this holiday season. I wanna play assassin's creed (the 1st real next-gen game) and I need a console for that, so I'm gonna buy the ps3 soon, lol.
But it's SURE that sony do NOT want to talk about it since it would only tell us: WAIT before buying, do NOT buy now, lol. Anyway, I'm gonna have my ps3 for the holidays WITH or WITHOUT the price cut. Still, I suppose they'll cut the price because the holiday is a BIG sales market. And finally, I don't see why hey would wait and pass the holiday for their price cut, it would mean: we got our ass kicked in the last holidays so we need to sell more NOW!. Instead, if they get their price dropped in the holidays, this would say: we're competitive and we will win the war! Mouhahah! (maybe not exactly this, lol).
Anyway, sony would do a great move if they price cut their PS3 for the holidays, this would combine a good cost with a lot of good games like assassin's creed, last remnant, etc.and exclusives like uncharted and folklore for new games, and heavenly sword and more for used "almost new" exclusives.
Anyway, I hope they will cut the price AND put a dual shock 3 in the box for us! that would be GREAT. But still, with only a price cut, I would be happy anyway (with the spare money, I'll buy the dual shock 3when MGS4 pop I suppose :D )
I wouldnt buy either. No emotion engine.darthbater101
Wow, so you wanted to buy a ps3 to play ps2 games? well, at least not me, I already have a ps2 and I'll buy a ps3 FOR the ps3! :S I really don't understand guys who think that the emotion engine is usefull, I mean, the new games will all get emulated while the best of the old games will too be emulated, the lack of emotion engine let you play badly the low profile (but still GREAT) games. BUT I ALREADY FINISHED THEM. So I'll play ps3 games on my ps3 (you could also play know or new ps2 games on the ps3 as well and WITHOUT the emotion engine! )
darn, people are so wierd!
DO you think sony wont annouce the 40 gig SKU till next christmas, to just dominate that holiday? With MGS4, FF13, GTA, GT, LBP, and and bunch more with a 40gig model could skyrocket sales. But with a 40gig sku for this season how can they manage 11million unites sold? Bolund
NO its not happening but u can bet ur ass on a price cut.
40 gb rumor resurfaces
We have seen rumors for weeks about Sony planning a new cheaper 40GB PlayStation 3, but now it looks like it's a little more than a rumor as it has been revealed that Sony has approached Taiwanese manufacturer FoxConn and asked them to make a lower-spec Sony PS3.
So now it looks like the company that produces Sony's PS2s will now be making the new rumored 40GB Sony PS3 model.
What they mean by "lower-spec" is up for debate as it has been rumored that this could include losing some of the console's USB ports or the loved backwards compatibility so that Sony can make the new PS3 very cheap.
Rumors flying around say that the price in the US for the 40GB Sony PS3 will be around $399, this could see a UK price of around £200 but as there us more tax etc in the UK it is more likely to be around £300.
This would then match roughly the Xbox 360 Elite's price point, more news may come out at the Tokyo Game Show and we will update you when we get more.
[QUOTE="Bolund"]DO you think sony wont annouce the 40 gig SKU till next christmas, to just dominate that holiday? With MGS4, FF13, GTA, GT, LBP, and and bunch more with a 40gig model could skyrocket sales. But with a 40gig sku for this season how can they manage 11million unites sold? AgentZero225
NO its not happening but u can bet ur ass on a price cut.
it doesnt take a genius to connect the dots
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