My how times change. Sega was once a player in the console world, crushed by Sony, and stuck to software. if 2008 is any indication, they may need to hang it up permanently. Three strikes and counting.
First came Iron Man. This game was actually hyped to be big summer hit. I still remember one hilarious EW artcile that asked if Iron Man would give GTA4 a run for the money. Iron Man the game tanked despite huge marketing and releasing on all platforms.
Next up, we have The Hulk. The graphics looked really good, but critics completely hammered this game into oblivion.
Finally, we have Golden Axe. The game actually looks like a fun hack slash Heavenly Sword type. Sega's problem? They are releasing it on 10/14. You freaking morons! This game will gather dust next to Dead Space and Saints Row. Why not release the game during the big summer drought? It has a generic title, and very little media hype. I predict major suckage on this one.
Cmon Sega, stop the bleeding and get your act together!
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