So I figured the inevitable comparison would be made, so as a rally junkie I figured I would offer up my opinions to anyone who was thinking of buying one or the other. Specifically, I wanted to talk about Sega Rally Revo.
First of all, I have never played a full Sega Rally game, minus the arcade games. I had also never played any of the Colin McRae rally games before DiRT. GT2-4 and WRC2 and 4 were my only experience in the genre. I also told myself that I would buy DiRT, but if Sega Rally Revo was a better game, that I would sell DiRT and buy Sega Rally Revo
Having played demos of both these games, and having already played through most of the career mode in DiRT already, it's safe to say that these games are only similar in that they use similar or the same cars, racing in similar races. The comparison ends there. Why? Sega Rally Revo's demo has a decidedly arcade feel all around. This is not surprising, since the Sega games have typically been arcade games as well. Whether or not this is better or worse depends on your perspective.
Still, I have been spoiled by DiRT's damage model, which was not at all present in the Sega demo. In fact, you cannot even leave the track, as there is a convenient border all the way around which cannot be run over. You simply bump into rocks or fences harmlessly; nothing appears to affect your handling. The cars also handle radically different than DiRT, which is to say it is super easy to drive if comparison. Oddly, in the Sega demo you are given two choices of handling, tarmac or off-road, despite both demo tracks being partially on dirt or sand or tarmac. DiRT's physics are definitely more realistic and difficult, to say the least.
The sound and visual quality are also quite different. DiRT is, well, dirty. the cars get very realistically roughed up by the terrain of normal racing, and the HDR present along with the detail of the backgrounds (plainly visible when you run square into a concrete pylon, for example) are superb. Sega's visual quality isn't lacking, to be sure, but it's clear that Sega made a game that will be easily ported to arcade hardware. I don't fault them for this, since Sega Rally is an arcade staple that makes them a boatload of cash, I'd imagine. The same goes for the sound. Dolby Digital 5.1 hardly seems necessary here. You can barely hear the roar of the engine, and the focus is definitely on the music, a rock/pop mix designed to spur you on. This is one area that bugged me about the Sega game in comparison to DiRT's very loud, realistic and well done sound, since Sega really had no reason to cheapen the sound down to make it easier (as opposed to the gameplay).
The only other thing that bothered me with the Sega game was the cars. You get two cars, a Subaru Impreza WRX STi SpecC Type RA, and a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX FQ340. The choices of cars here is not my complaint. Rather, it is the choices of other cars in the race; the opponents are much more evolved, faster cars, and you are immediately left in the dust. Isn't the point of a demo to be a little easier so I'm more inclined to buy the game? I could practically feel the quarters leaving my pocket.
DiRT, while not a perfect simulation, provides a very realistic experience while also providing enough variety in races and cars such that anyone can get into it. The sound and visual quality are second to none, however the realistic damage model and physics model may scare off the more casual player that needs a more gentle learning curve: mess up in DiRT, and you will pay for it immediately.
Sega Rally Revo is an arcade game. Nothing much realistic about it at all, but it's still fun. I find DiRT to be much more engaging, challenging and intense, but if you want a racing game that you or anyone you know can have fun messing around with, Sega Rally Revo is a much better choice; even if you're terrible at it, chances are you'll still have fun being terrible... and it's cheaper than feeding in $1 in quarters per play. Personally I'll be keeping DiRT; but I wouldn't be surprised nor offended if Sega Rally Revo outsells it in spades.
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