I currently have a working 60GB PS3 and it has never failed me. However, my friend who bought his a week before me from the same store has had the YLOD twice. I am wondering if I should sell it now and get a new slim or just keep my model. I do still have like 3 PS2 games I want to play but I'm not sure what to do. How many of the original PS3's actually fail?
Well i was same as you last february.Had my 60GB for just about 2 years,and i remember it used to run quite hot.and was concerned that it might break down ,so i sold it .Then bowt 2-3 weeks ago bought one of the latest 80GB Phat models(same shape as my 60GB).It runs much cooler and quieter.
If you take a look on ebay,you will see plenty of broken PS3s with YLOD,partly why i decided to sell mine after 2 years before it failed.
But it's completely up to you,PS3s are mostly reliable,and yours may go on forever,plus i don't think it's too expensive to get fixed by Sony.
Oh,and lastly,rumour has it,that all PS2 titles wil soon be available to buy and download on Playstation store,jus the same as PS 1 titles on there now,thus the reason Sony did away with BC on newer models.
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