I'm gonna sell my phat PSP(with charger, battery and printed materials boxed). It's in a good condition. How much would gamestation, or game buy if for? Please note that I live in the UK, so an answer in pounds would be preferrable.
Why are u selling the psp? Now that i read that i am thinking of selling my PSP phat for a PSP slim but am not sure. But the thing is my mom said its the same thing and doesnt think she would let me do it(im 12 turning 13).
And with the Slim you can charge your PSP while online, which is a big +. I personally like the feel of the PHAT more than the Slim though. But a Slim is better.
Lol, I knew that someone would ask me that. What I should have noted in my first post was that I am gonna sell it, so i can get the limited Silver Crisis Core Bundle Pack, since it's in the UK.
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