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Keep the DS and buy a PSP. As an owner of both, I can tell you they both have their redeeming qualities
i've become very bored with my ds becuase of the lack of shooters sports and fighting games that are actully good for the ds. I really love playing it but I cant justify keeping it for a couple games. are there any good games in those genres coming out for the DS or should i get a PSP.WielgozI have both and never play my DS. Im getting really serious on selling it because of the upcomming list. The only game i want for DS is zelda. But i dont care really about that series as much anymore....(same old stuff). So I would say sell it if you dont like your DS. And since you like shooters you'll probably like the psp titles better.
no no no ... bad move. i actually bought ds lite on launch date and had it till january of this year. i traded my dslite for psp and it was the best thing ive ever done. ds is good if like alot of ur friends have it too so u can all play games together. but psp is a better system overall. i watch movies listen to music surf the web play games.... its just a better system overallmoonsooohh oops... i thought u meant sell ur PSP for DS.... neway. def sell ur DS for PSP... U WILL NOT REGRET IT!
Pathetic how people say the psp has mature games...yeah right :lol: A game is mature if it's hard, not if it has blood and stuff. Anyway, I own both handhelds and both have their good sides. The psp has some great ps2 games you want to play on the go, like Tekken and sport games. There are also some original games special for the psp from a ps2 franchise like Daxter. If you have enough money the psp is a great system for multimedia stuff.
The DS on the other hand, has some great original games, there are always lots of people who you can play multiplayer with and you can play one of the best gba games on your ds, Golden Sun and Fire Emblem for instance.
If you have the money, then keep the ds and buy the psp. If you don't, it seems the games you prefer are more on the psp.
Good Luck!
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