Killzone 3 (maybe late 2011 early 2012)
Demons Souls 2 (:cry: i just got past the first level after about 3 hours of playing but i just cant put down the controller :cry: )
Valkyria Chronicles 2 (i am just starting to continue the game after I put it on hold a couple months ago)
INfamous 2 (LOVED first and trying to get all shards and dead drops :D)
Resistance 3 (only if more like first because 2nd was Meh andonline was okay but very chaotic and messy)
Dark Cloud 3 (never payed others but will try out if make a collection or just buy both games but very interested )
Twisted Metal PS3 (can't belive no one said that yet :()
Persona 5 ( ON PS3 PLEASE!!!)
True Jak and Daxter ( again PS3!!!!!)
Uncharted 3 (just cuz... nuff said )
Disgaea 4 ( loved the series as whole)
Socom 4 or 5 lol idk but the next one (lol)
Ape Escape 4 ( fun game.)
and problably way more that i forgot hope they all get released :D
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