I didn't like RE5 demo at all (Not attacking just an opinion) but I've liked FEAR as a story and can be a good scary I liked it but not going to buy for me I will get Street Fighter :)
hard choice i say both but if u cant it all depends on ur taste if u like playing online on SFIV and owning people then go with SFIV if u want a great co-op expeirence go RE5
Me i would pick RE5 but once again its all ur choice
Seriously get SF IV, play demo for RE5 if u cant decide. Tht demo should change ur mind to getting SF IV, well for me it did. There are different opinions.
If i didnt already have SFIV, I would still vote for SFIV first, but RE5 is a definitely must have for me, I remember reading they have co-op, but is it online only?
I say SFIV, Capcom made RE5 too action-oriented and forgot about it being a Survivor-horror title. I'm pretty sure RE5 will get good scores, but my vote goes to SFIV.
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