Man, I am so addicted to this game... I just found out you can actually keep all your unlocks after the 3rd prestige which is awesome.
My favorite game modes are: Hardcore TDM, Ground war and Demolition.
Favorite class set up:
1. The nuker (I used this class to get the 10 nuke emblem)
Main: FAL w/ red dot
Secondary: RPG
Claymore & stun grenade
Perk 1: Scavenger Pro
Perk 2: Hardline Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Death streak: Painkiller
Kill-streak: Harrier strike, Chopper gunner, tactical nuke
I got so used to FAL which I think is the best gun in the game, the gun is so accurate even at sniper range. I usually take my time, advance slowly and constantly checking the map to make sure I am far away from the enemies so I can pick them off from afar. the RPG is extremely good for clearing rooms and blind corners. Use claymore when there's no teammate around to cover your back. The Claymore helped me get my kill streak so many times. Once you get chopper gunner the nuke is pretty much guaranteed unless there's more than 3 enemies trying to shoot you down. Don't use this set up in close-quarter map.
2. Best K/D ratio (I had the most fun with this set up I use it the most)
Main: SCAR-H w/ silencer
Secondary: RPG
Semtex & stun grenade
Perk 1: scavenger pro
Perk 2: Stopping power
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Kill-streak: Predator missile, harrier strike, AC130
Great for all map and game type, the iron sight on the SCAR-H is really good so you don't need red dot or holographic sight. AC130 don't get as many kill compare to chopper but it's much harder to shoot down and it's hella fun. try not to use harrier strike until someone called in the UAV, it will make a big different.
3. The crazy bomber (This set up really pisses people off, seriously.... Take advantage of Danger close pro)
Main: Any assault rifle w/ grenade launcher
Secondary: RPG (A must!)
Semtex & stun
Perk 1: Scavenger Pro
Perk 2: Danger Close pro
Perk 3: Commando Pro
Kill-streak: Harrier strike, Pave low, Emergency air drop
No one believes this is a really good and fun until they try it. Your primary weapon will be the RPG, only use the noob tube when you are dry. The Danger close pro make all your noob tube and RPG extremely powerful, it also make your kill-streak more powerful. The air drop is probably the best part, you will always get at least one kind of air strike. I remember getting two AC130 in a single drop, combine that with Danger Close pro, I was unstoppable.
4. Speed & shotgun (I discovered this set up recently and it's so much fun)
Main: doesn't matter
Secondary: Spas-12 w/ grip
throwing knife & stun
Perk 1: Marathon Pro
Perk 2: Stopping power pro
Perk 3: steady aim pro
Kill-streak: UAV, predator missile, harrier strike
At first I used the model 1887 akimbo but after the patch the spas-12 w/ grip is the best shotgun in the game. when you miss the first shot don't wait for the gun to clock just throw a knife or melee you'll be surprised how well that works. UAV is the most important part of this **** once you know where they are, it's much easier to rush in with the shotgun, the 2nd and 3rd kill-streak is really up to you.
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