Honestly, the game is not hard at all. You have to learn from your mistakes and be PATIENT! That's the key to beating the game. I know the other day, I was playing on my 2nd playthrough and I kept dying because I was not patient. I was running up to the enemies and hacking at them while not blocking at all. When I played today, I didn't die once because I blocked and was patient. I managed to beat 3 bosses without any problems.
This. The difficulty of Demon's Souls is extremely overblown. Demon's Souls is best described as "tough but fair". You just have to be patient - learn enemies locations and attacking patterns, and use spells/miracles to complement your melee (or melee to complement magic/miracles). In any case, the game even did have checkpoints of sorts in the shortcuts you could unlock... Boletaria (1-1) is a good example of this. The difficulty was what made Demon's Souls so great - it wasn't your average "run of the mill" hack-n-slash. It was refreshing to play a game where I wasn't just spamming the attack button to kill enemies. Demon's Souls actually makes the player think during combat, and that's a good thing.
I'm extremely happy Dark Souls is going to be as difficult, if not more so, than Demon's Souls. Again, Demon's Souls rarely, if ever, felt cheap to me. If I died, it was because I made a mistake, whether it be timing an attack wrong, equipping the wrong equipment, rushing in without blocking, etc. The game forces you to play better, and that's why I love it.
Edit: Lol, winning post right below.
ya lets release it again!!lets lower the difficulty level add check points maybe throw in a couple of love stories in it and call it PANZY'S SOULS!!!!its one of the best games ever made..changing anything will only destroy the whole experience.
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