@dalawdfarquad: it depends... Are there games u really want to play or that are coming out for the PS4? Holidays are coming up and Persona 5, Dragon Quest Heroes, Tales of Zesteria, Fallout 4 are coming out but this is the first time there have been multiple games in excited about.
I think the library is pretty paltry for systems that have 2 years under their belts. That said if u have a 360 already it's a tough choice. There are a ton of PS3 exclusives that could take years to beat all of them and I'm pretty sure there will be some black Friday deals this holiday for PS4 systems. Probably $50-$100 off plus game bundles.
If saving $400 is hard for u I'd sock the money away for this holiday season and bear a couple of months of playing some 360 titles. I'm sure u haven't played all of them yet and there cheap now. Or get a credit card and pay it off like $50 a month. If u paid off the PS4 within 8 months, you'd only pay like an extra $50 in interest even if the interest rate is 25% which is high interest rate. But pay at least the min payment if u do that, late charges are killer.
If u have anything u can sell do that. I wouldn't trade your old hardware or games to GameStop or anything unless there doing a bad ass promo like an extra 50% trade when upgrading to a PS4 or an extra $100-$150 trade credit when u trade in an old system towards a PS4 or both, which they have done recently.
Or sell your stuff on craigslist or eBay. You'll get a lot more than what a game store will give u and if u can only get $0.10-$3 for a game, it's almost not worth it unless absolutely hate the game.
Here are some awesome PS3 games. Most will be under $10 and stuff like God of War and Uncharted are dirt cheap... Like $3-$5 a piece.
3D Dot Game Heroes
Best of PlayStation Network vol. 1
Beyond Two Souls
Demon's Souls
Dragon's Crown
Drakengard 3
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD
God of War 3
God of War Collection
God of War Origins
Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo 6
Heavenly Sword
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Journey Collector's Edition
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix
Little Big Planet
Little Big Planet 2
Metal Gear Solid 4
Ninja Gaiden 3
Ni No Kuni
PlayStation All Star Battle
Resistance 2
Resistance 3
Tales of Graces F
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia 2
Time Crisis 4
Time Crisis Razing Storm
Twisted Metal
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 3
Under Defeat HD
Valkyria Chronicles
White Knight Chronicles
White Knight Chronicles 2
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
And that's just from looking at my PS3 exclusives not including some of my niche JRPGs which is u like, there are a ton for PS3... If not, we'll there's still a ton of great exclusives I didn't mention.
Also if u need to save money and still want to play games, u have a week to play a game and return it to GameStop. It's like a free week rental. I did that for almost a year bci had to save money and still wanted to game but really, that was when a lot of the games I mentioned were less than a year old and still expensive.
Hope that helps. Once u get a PS4 or Xbox One, sometimes it's hard to go back to older systems (at least for some). Sorry for the long exposition but that's my thing. Again I hope this has been helpful and good luck.
Infamous Collection
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