If you have a big HDTV you can get lost in the scenery. If you have patience, you can really enjoy the game. I played it for a loooong time.
Most people that say, too much travel, not enough enemies, are the kind of gamers that can't handle not being told what to do next, shown where to go next,and have no creativie way to play this game. (yeah I went there)
You can do any mission how you want want to do it. Run in guns blazing, sit on a hill and snipe, or even just start a huge fire and watch 'em all burn.
You do have to travel, everyone you see will shoot at you (unless you're in a cease fire zone, town) There are down points to this game. You'll either love it or hate it, I don't think anyone "likes" it. If you can get it cheap you may as well pick it up, you get a map editor for multi-player so you can make your own maps.
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