Honestly.I only chose my 360 over ps3 to begin with because it was cheaper, but when I purchased a new TV i got my ps3 for free.I always liked my xbox 360 more(don't shoot me yet), then I thought to myself, all these games I like are multi platform. Why did I like my 360 more? Well I don't know, I told myself I loved the exclusives(the only 2 exclusives I actually really enjoy are forza 3 and mass effect, which is also on pc). I own more exclusives on my ps3 than I do on my 360 and I've had for like 1/4 the amount of time.
This is coming from someone who is unbias on 360 or ps3, I love them both for various reasons. Here are my reasons.
-IMO better exclusives, and of a much higher quality. This is only my opinion. Look at MGS4, UC2, Killzone 2 ect. These are very high productions and barely anything on the 360 scratches these.
-Free online play
-Bluray player(if you already have one than this point is moot)
-hardly anyone has a mic, this can be annoying on team based games.
XBox 360
-A lot of cross platform games run better, but this also is the opposite for certain games.
-while you pay for gold membership, xbox live in general is a better service. It has many features that you will miss if you move to PSN. Just general stuff like getting to messages fast, seeing info on the trophy you just unlocked. It's just a lot easier and faster on xbox live.
-IMO better control, but this is completely preference so don't shoot me.
-xbox comes with a free headset so most people have a headset and can communicate(this can be a negative also).
Overall I find myself playing my ps3 more these days. I'm finding myself even buying my cross platform games on my ps3. If you enjoy playing games(obviously) and you have the money to get a ps3, I say go for it.
note: I didn't mention anything about the wii because I consider it a completely different platform that doesn't have the same purpose of a 360 or ps3.
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