Still playing GTA V on 360 but second son is the first game worth gettign on ps4..... Vs my ps4 collecting dust as i wait for a game to come out that will blow my doors off. It's going to be a couple months until watchdogs and the show come out anyways. $60 for infamous is a bit much though...... I played infamous 2 for free on psn plus and that was worth it. But i get the game is a pretty standard action game set in an openw orld. i can't decide.
Other games im getting this year
MLB The show
Murdered and Drive CLub are definate maybes. The order and Destiny and Assassins creed are on the backburner for now. Infamous is kind of that game that's here now and i might just want to wait. I already bought killzone at launch with nba 2k14 and madden and play them every so often but they aren't really why i bought the console. I'm still playing GTA V more than anything.
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