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Warhawk is a great game. You need to get it as it also has split screen online play. I was playing it today with a friend on deathmatch so we teamed up on a jeep and owned everyone!
I dont like burnout paradise. The crash animations look great but I hate watching every crash in slow motion its just frustrating. Also if you lose a race you cant restart it. You must drive all the way back to the start point which is just plain stupid. Plus the in game ads are annoying.
I have never played grid but it sounds like its a good arcade racer.
Try to get warhawk, its a great game, plus there are 2 expansion packs which are great.
warhawk is dead.... try the burnout demo and the grid demo and see witch of those you like betterbig_boss4life
Why in the world is Warhawk dead? There are still plenty of people that still play... I absolutely never have problems finding a server.
I loved bot warhawk and burnout. Burnout was the first raceing game I deemed worthy of purchase. I hated the grid demo. the physics jut feel... off. It just feel like the did it wrong. Its just isnt as good as DiRT.Tlahui
HAHA:lol: you love Burnout but u dont like Grid cuz of the Physics =D
hmmm idk if i were u i would get Burnout and Warhawk, iv got Burnout, amazing love it... its a great break from all my other shooters... and the online i great.. and um Warhawk is amazing, i dont have it but from wat i can see its worth it... so yah dont get GRID
plus u said its a used copy, so if someone didnt want it...y would u scope up the left overs wen u can get 2 new great games!!! haha jokes XP
dude... Burnout Paradise isnt about going all the way across the city just to start the race over... its about starting a new race from the spot ure at....fanwindfly
yah thts wat i do jus find a race that will take u back to the other race... the races are pretty well placed in that the lead to each other across the city, and u will always find on back to ur starting point, almost XP
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