To get a better understanding and grasp of the upcoming sequel?
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the story from KZ1 doesn't continue on KZ2. all i have heard is that characters that you played with in KZ1 make cameo-like appearances in KZ2 (like Rico, a playable character in KZ1 is the guy yelling at you in the KZ2 trailer... even though i personally don't think it looks like him at all).
the story isn't terribly strong in KZ1, with the synopsis of the general plotline and background setting available on Wikipedia in a short read.
I just feel that for sequels, the past games should be played. I guess it won't matter much for this then.jts31689
but u should get it none the less....its a great game with awesome multiplayer online...or even offline with bots
It's not a very good game, so I wouldn't recommend it.
lol coming from a guy named mastercheif i wouldnt recommend listening to him
still a good game but I wonder why they rated it that lowIranian_Guy
because in technical aspects... the game sucks. the graphics are blurry, the AI is dumb (although at points they become nonexistant), and its view distance is terrible (and DO NOT tell me that the fog is part of the environment design).
the series as a whole has potential... but the first game was mediocre IMO.
[QUOTE="outbreak201"][QUOTE="-Masterchef-"]It's not a very good game, so I wouldn't recommend it.
lol coming from a guy named mastercheif i wouldnt recommend listening to him
lol... but you have a KZ2 sig.
killzone 1 is great, im mad u dont play as the original cast in the sequel and that guy in the trailer does not look like rico...but its a great game great offline with bots great multiplayer great long campaign GREAT GAMEyungswift44
I hear that. Killzone was one of my best ps2 experiences. BAR NONE
I bought it at a bargain bin a couple weeks ago. $20 brand new @ EB Canada. It is definitely worth the money but at $20, any game higher than a 6 is worth it imo. The game is far from perfect but is enjoyable. The story is told kinda poorly, I feel like Im just going through the motions. I never look at the mission objectives coz so far its only been 'Get from point A to Point B" type stuff, where Point B is the spot where you meet a friend, find a hostage, leave the building, etc etc. The best (and what equate to a slight learning curve) is the fact that the game looks and sometimes feels like a run n gun, shoot em up, but cover is essential for me. If I run in a room, guns ablazing, I take a beating. I have to wait in between the rounds or when a co-op bot flushes out the enemy or uses cover fire (1st time I had any of that in a game) so I was pretty impressed with that.
With all of that said, Killzone1 got like a 6.9 or something. Not a terrible game but for KZ2 to be great, it has to be more than just a pretty face graphically, they need some gameplay adjustments. Some stuff seems awkwardly hard, like sniping and shooting accurately with a gun other than the pistol or sniper. I know it kinda mirrors real life, but it just is not very fun having every other gun spray wildly around the target when the crosshairs are lined perfectly for a headshot.
I bought it at a bargain bin a couple weeks ago. $20 brand new @ EB Canada. It is definitely worth the money but at $20, any game higher than a 6 is worth it imo. The game is far from perfect but is enjoyable. The story is told kinda poorly, I feel like Im just going through the motions. I never look at the mission objectives coz so far its only been 'Get from point A to Point B" type stuff, where Point B is the spot where you meet a friend, find a hostage, leave the building, etc etc. The best (and what equate to a slight learning curve) is the fact that the game looks and sometimes feels like a run n gun, shoot em up, but cover is essential for me. If I run in a room, guns ablazing, I take a beating. I have to wait in between the rounds or when a co-op bot flushes out the enemy or uses cover fire (1st time I had any of that in a game) so I was pretty impressed with that.
With all of that said, Killzone1 got like a 6.9 or something. Not a terrible game but for KZ2 to be great, it has to be more than just a pretty face graphically, they need some gameplay adjustments. Some stuff seems awkwardly hard, like sniping and shooting accurately with a gun other than the pistol or sniper. I know it kinda mirrors real life, but it just is not very fun having every other gun spray wildly around the target when the crosshairs are lined perfectly for a headshot.
If thats the case then you werent playing it properly. My friend said the exact same thing. The only way you re going to get accurate kills is if you take short bursts of fire while slightly pulling the right thumbstick down o fight against the recoil. Everyone i know that hated on the games shooting mechanics, was just runnign and gunning spraying.
nope. i think the tactic you are discussing work for long range, zoomed in shooting (at least when I do it) Im talking about being close range, stationary, crosshairs lined up and pointing at an opponent. If there is 3 guys on screen, Im not gonna be shooting 1-2 bullets every 2 seconds in the heat of a battle. Being that I am close and lined up, for head shots, I kinda expect them to hit you know.
IMO the game is not great when it comes to weapons and the likes:
Pistol: Weaksauce. No secondary function. It is weak during close combat because there are like 3 enemies in the whole game with a pistol while everyone else has automatics or shottys or grenade launcher. It is weak for snipin because there is no zoom. What is the point of the pistol exactly?
Sniper: Color scheme makes it hard to see what is in the center of the picture. I thought it was just me coz I was havin trouble coz i was new to it, but I got an army friend who was watchin and was like 'how are you supposed to see what is in the middle of the shot with the color like that in the very middle? Visibility is questionable for sniping for me unless its using night vision with Luger.
oh ok, i understand where your coming from now my badMiguel16
nah no problem man. FWIW, what you said is the most important thing about the game and will probably help ppl new to the game immensely. Its one of those things that really help the game. It was like the 1st level and Im just sprayin all over the place until a friend says uses short bursts for accuracy. They should put that in the manual or something.
i found the pistol a bit useful. it was pretty easy to run out of ammo for your guns since the vast majority of ammo that you run into was the Helghast rifle... which was pretty inaccurate unless you were playing Hakha. the pistol is pretty powerful, and its range was between medium and far.
i agree with the sniper rifle's scope mechanic being messed up.
I bought the game and tried playing it, it was buggy as hell, I had loads of trouble playing the game, I'm even afriad of cashing the game in because of it's bad repuation.rikhan_z
I bought the game and tried playing it, it was buggy as hell, I had loads of trouble playing the game, I'm even afriad of cashing the game in because of it's bad repuation.rikhan_zive had the game for about 2years...never had bug issues or even crashing...i think all of those bugs are mostly in the heads of people who read horrible reviews... even to this day i cant find a bug in the game...great in no way attacking you its just in my experience playing killzone i have had no problem at all
I've often considered playing it too... but I cant find it anywhere.I look forward to Killzone 2!!!carljohnson3456
i've noticed that a lot of Targets (in the US) are holding new copies of the game. they seem to be selling a lot of the old popular PS2 games. i've heard a lot of people saying that they can't find SotC... yet i see Target holding multiple copies.
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