Have their been ANY titles to effectively implement sixaxis yet?
I have found it a novelty at best. I think when its implemented minorly or secondarily it can be interesting (ala MGS4 uses) but its gimmicky when its featured as a main control mechanism.
Look at warhawk and motorstorm. I think those games effectively attempted using sixaxis to control. Its fun and different. But in these cases its still less effective than the dual sticks.
So how useful is sixaxis? Can any game really feature it usefully, anything more than a secondary option?
Yeah i agree, i think six-axis is fine in things like mgs4,heavenly sword and other games where it's just a small feature, but i dont like playing motorstorm or warhawk with sixaxis.
Infact i sold my wii because i thought it was an expensivegamecube with waggle and i played with a controller whenever possible so i sold it and decided ps3/360 and pc are for me this generation.
So yes im definitly not a fan of motion controll nothing can beat the good old twin sticks, motion controll is fine for gimmicky things like rolling in a barrel on mgs4 and after touch in HS but thats it for me.
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