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I'm not sure if Halo 3 is enough to attract new consumers. Halo 3 will be for the diehard Xbox fan and I would say that every xbox fanboy owns a 360. Sony's counter will be that it will have a great library of games at the time of Halo's release. 360 will only have Halo 3.bamf03
I won't buy a 360 cause my friend owns it and we share systems constantly, but I would buy a 360 for Halo, and that's coming from a longtime original XBOX hater. I have to admit, Gears and Halo are truly the bomb-diggity that Sony needs to match up to.
[QUOTE="bamf03"]I'm not sure if Halo 3 is enough to attract new consumers. Halo 3 will be for the diehard Xbox fan and I would say that every xbox fanboy owns a 360. Sony's counter will be that it will have a great library of games at the time of Halo's release. 360 will only have Halo 3.SkyCastleDan
I won't buy a 360 cause my friend owns it and we share systems constantly, but I would buy a 360 for Halo, and that's coming from a longtime original XBOX hater. I have to admit, Gears and Halo are truly the bomb-diggity that Sony needs to match up to.
I too was an Xbox hater until I played Halo...but, I fell in love with the game, not the console. I still think, game library wise, Xbox is crap. Thats just for me though, I know Xbox does have great games that people like, just not the games I want.They are, its called Killzone 2W3dotCOMlol. why is anyone excited about Killzone 2. the first one was crap.
I beat killzone on the PS2, it was nothing great, whats the big deal about killzone?......I dident find Halo to be that great either though.MrBrownstone1
Halo was praised more for evolving the FPS genre in terms of physics and possibilities rather than how good it actually was as a functioning game. Personally, I found Killzone good, but man, if they deliver on all their promises for Killzone 2, we could be looking at finally having the new bar set for FPS games on our console! Gears of What?
Maybe good old Snake will be rolling around at that time, to stick some metal gear up halo's butt lol. I got nothing against halo, but i thought that the first one was better.
I'm not sure if Halo 3 is enough to attract new consumers. Halo 3 will be for the diehard Xbox fan and I would say that every xbox fanboy owns a 360. Sony's counter will be that it will have a great library of games at the time of Halo's release. 360 will only have Halo 3.bamf03Not true when Halo 2 came out over 2 million people bought the XBOX in late 2004
not to counter but make a game that is the exact opisite of halo. because when you think shooter you think halo. i want to see something complelty original that would make people say,"i want to see where ths game goes i already know what halo is like"apc2007Exactly, it seems like you read my mind.
Killzone 2 counters Halo 3 Forza counters GTHD MGS4 counters SPLINTER CELL (exclusives) Blue Dragon counters White Knight Countering is the name of the gameKSD22
you can't compare Forza to GTHD thats a game to a demo i will always think of GT when it comes to driving just so much choice in there games
I'd kind of rather they release a virus that destroys every copy of the game altogether. Only then will I be spared hearing "Halo 3 this" and "Halo 3 that" every 5 seconds after it comes out. RurouniSaiyajin
*SkyCastleDan stands up and claps*
I'd kind of rather they release a virus that destroys every copy of the game altogether. Only then will I be spared hearing "Halo 3 this" and "Halo 3 that" every 5 seconds after it comes out. RurouniSaiyajin
Most people feel the same way about Killzone 2. Except Halo actually has a good track record.
GeoW is today's standard for any "tactical" console shooter IMOFireFalkonActually, Rainbow 6 is the standard for a tactical shooter and has been for quite some time. Especially when you got to draw up the breach plans.
The fact that you used the word "bomb-diggity" makes me immediately stop reading anything else you said. lolI have to admit, Gears and Halo are truly the bomb-diggity that Sony needs to match up to.
[QUOTE="SkyCastleDan"]The fact that you used the word "bomb-diggity" makes me immediately stop reading anything else you said. lol Funny, bomb-diggity is early 90's. Gears small story-line couldn't even compare to that of GoW's, and like I said MGS's story-line compared to Halo...well you know...I have to admit, Gears and Halo are truly the bomb-diggity that Sony needs to match up to.
i in no way know why Halo is such a praised series, i've played throuh the first one and most of the second one, hours and hours on multiplayer both online and off, and i just don't get what the fuss was about.
if they were going for innovation Killzone 1 sure had it, i mean they incorporated so many things in there that hadn't really been done! it just was to much for the PS2 to handle, i think Killzone 2 will be a fresh new and excellent shooter, Halo is getting kind of old, i mean we know what to expect from the third installment and its just more of the same.
sure sequels are great (usually) but in a next generation console era its the new and inventive game the average consumer is looking for, not just another sequel. Imean look at some of the most anticipated and best games of the next gen, i mean Dead Rising, Motorstorm, LIttle Big Planet, Heavenly Sword, RFOM, all of which completely new and great concepts.
The big difference between that seperates sony from the other next gen consoles this time around is that they're not relying as heavily on sequels, sure MGS4 and FF XIII are still going to be console movers, but when sequels take over the game libraries its really great to se fresh new titles. Sequels are what they are, continuations of something we've played already.
I agree. Sequels are great and all, but coming up with new innovations in the sequels will cause for more new, and fresh fans enjoying the game as well.. But, there will be new games hitting the PS3 also that we are looking forward to, like Heavenly Sword, White Knights and much more. From MS's side all I see them paying too much attention and hype value on is Halo 3, which of course people will buy. The story-line is too simple, and for the proletariats (gaming wise).i in no way know why Halo is such a praised series, i've played throuh the first one and most of the second one, hours and hours on multiplayer both online and off, and i just don't get what the fuss was about.
if they were going for innovation Killzone 1 sure had it, i mean they incorporated so many things in there that hadn't really been done! it just was to much for the PS2 to handle, i think Killzone 2 will be a fresh new and excellent shooter, Halo is getting kind of old, i mean we know what to expect from the third installment and its just more of the same.
sure sequels are great (usually) but in a next generation console era its the new and inventive game the average consumer is looking for, not just another sequel. Imean look at some of the most anticipated and best games of the next gen, i mean Dead Rising, Motorstorm, LIttle Big Planet, Heavenly Sword, RFOM, all of which completely new and great concepts.
The big difference between that seperates sony from the other next gen consoles this time around is that they're not relying as heavily on sequels, sure MGS4 and FF XIII are still going to be console movers, but when sequels take over the game libraries its really great to se fresh new titles. Sequels are what they are, continuations of something we've played already.
[QUOTE="americahellyeah"]I agree. Sequels are great and all, but coming up with new innovations in the sequels will cause for more new, and fresh fans enjoying the game as well.. But, there will be new games hitting the PS3 also that we are looking forward to, like Heavenly Sword, White Knights and much more. From MS's side all I see them paying too much attention and hype value on is Halo 3, which of course people will buy. The story-line is too simple, and for the proletariats (gaming wise).i in no way know why Halo is such a praised series, i've played throuh the first one and most of the second one, hours and hours on multiplayer both online and off, and i just don't get what the fuss was about.
if they were going for innovation Killzone 1 sure had it, i mean they incorporated so many things in there that hadn't really been done! it just was to much for the PS2 to handle, i think Killzone 2 will be a fresh new and excellent shooter, Halo is getting kind of old, i mean we know what to expect from the third installment and its just more of the same.
sure sequels are great (usually) but in a next generation console era its the new and inventive game the average consumer is looking for, not just another sequel. Imean look at some of the most anticipated and best games of the next gen, i mean Dead Rising, Motorstorm, LIttle Big Planet, Heavenly Sword, RFOM, all of which completely new and great concepts.
The big difference between that seperates sony from the other next gen consoles this time around is that they're not relying as heavily on sequels, sure MGS4 and FF XIII are still going to be console movers, but when sequels take over the game libraries its really great to se fresh new titles. Sequels are what they are, continuations of something we've played already.
the winner of the next generation consoles will be the one who can create the best new games, because face it, when you start releasing games that are basically the same as the last game, but with a few new things and a different number at the end of the title it might just be time to let them die. Nintendo for example has made about a thousand Zelda, Metroid, and Mario games, they really need to reinvent there icon, yes mario is good fun but for 25 years?
[QUOTE="SkyCastleDan"]The fact that you used the word "bomb-diggity" makes me immediately stop reading anything else you said. lolI have to admit, Gears and Halo are truly the bomb-diggity that Sony needs to match up to.
haha, I couldn't think of anything else.
[QUOTE="KraftForgotten"][QUOTE="americahellyeah"]I agree. Sequels are great and all, but coming up with new innovations in the sequels will cause for more new, and fresh fans enjoying the game as well.. But, there will be new games hitting the PS3 also that we are looking forward to, like Heavenly Sword, White Knights and much more. From MS's side all I see them paying too much attention and hype value on is Halo 3, which of course people will buy. The story-line is too simple, and for the proletariats (gaming wise).i in no way know why Halo is such a praised series, i've played throuh the first one and most of the second one, hours and hours on multiplayer both online and off, and i just don't get what the fuss was about.
if they were going for innovation Killzone 1 sure had it, i mean they incorporated so many things in there that hadn't really been done! it just was to much for the PS2 to handle, i think Killzone 2 will be a fresh new and excellent shooter, Halo is getting kind of old, i mean we know what to expect from the third installment and its just more of the same.
sure sequels are great (usually) but in a next generation console era its the new and inventive game the average consumer is looking for, not just another sequel. Imean look at some of the most anticipated and best games of the next gen, i mean Dead Rising, Motorstorm, LIttle Big Planet, Heavenly Sword, RFOM, all of which completely new and great concepts.
The big difference between that seperates sony from the other next gen consoles this time around is that they're not relying as heavily on sequels, sure MGS4 and FF XIII are still going to be console movers, but when sequels take over the game libraries its really great to se fresh new titles. Sequels are what they are, continuations of something we've played already.
the winner of the next generation consoles will be the one who can create the best new games, because face it, when you start releasing games that are basically the same as the last game, but with a few new things and a different number at the end of the title it might just be time to let them die. Nintendo for example has made about a thousand Zelda, Metroid, and Mario games, they really need to reinvent there icon, yes mario is good fun but for 25 years?
I think Zelda did bring something new to the table, and since there are many fans they'll like to see sequels to their favorite games. Nintendo won't just give up on its top selling games, but I do think they need to focus on better and fresh games that'll captivate their audience. Mario on the other hand is fun and supplies great entertainment value for those who are either hanging out with friends, or having parties.Please Log In to post.
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