listen bro just like jettoro said, i agree with him 100%, first all electronics fail or have their problems nothin really live forever. and if u treat it bad and misuse it it will also break on u. but i swear man i have my ps1, from launch that is still running till this day, i have fat and slim ps2s that are being used as a dvd player in my moms house, and the other at my lil brothers for gaming, both also from their launch dates and still running, its all really how well u take care of it. treat them like infants, pet them lol if u have to.( j.k here) but theres also that YOU or me or whom ever might be in the small percentile of failure rate.
ps3s arent perfect, they do fail, but it has a very low failure rate. even till this day, even though u see threads here and there about failing drives or cant read disks, or w.e but in the end u either are ONE of the unlucky ones who are in the failure zone, get one of those bad batches of systems. OR u get one of those that has no problems and can live longer. also i know alot say they do take care of it, but some really dont. just take good care of it. i have 1 slim 120gb and 2 60gb, ( one of the 60gb is my gf) we both take care of our electronics, well i do, i make her lol. she thinks im like monica from friends lol but guy version. but i do this which helps, get a white tshirt( clean ofcourse) that u dont use or need. once the system is cool enough and u dust it off, cover it with the shirt, so no dust will go in. that can warrant u abit
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