I've long since gotten over the deep-seeded, cold, white, boiling, cesspool of nerve-racking, evil, violent, malevolent, malice filled rage that found its way into my heart that ate tirelessly and viciously away at my spirit, then found its way into my soul rewriting all of the happiness in my brain until there was nothing left but blood-lust and demonic thought that filled the depths of my heart until it grew cold and beat pure new-born, dagger infested baby-tears through my dry and barren vessels that flowed through my entire body filling me with darkness, anger, and killing intent which unleashed an inhuman animal instinct that led me to indiscriminately feast on the flesh of every human in my sight as I bathed in their blood and decorated my body with their organs as I rocked back and fourth in the fetal position. All of this was caused by the news that it wasn't going to be PS3 exclusive...
until finally the 7 min long English trailer was released at TGS and then pure tears of the last ounce of light in my heart ran down my face as my soul begin to purify and released a great energy that I harnessed to undo all the evil I committed and fully restore the souls of all those I killed, ate, maimed, raped etc. I then took the last of the light to return my body to its natural state and I held my head up high as I shouted FINAL FNTASY to the rooftops once again regaining my excitement for my favorite game series.
So I sign my name with pride,
Jeremiah Briggs!
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