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FF Versus (1 can dream)
Persona 5 (1 can dream)
Uncharted 3 (It might make it late 2011)
Mass Effect 2
Deus Ex:HR
Dragon Age II
inFamous 2
Dead Space 2 (after price drop)
Killzone 3 (after price drop)
The Last Guardian
Ico Collection
Little Big Planet
A few more which I can't remember.
Killzone, Deus Ex and Dead Space are the big ones for me - and I'm hoping for something (anything!) on the next Hitman.
inFamous 2
Batman: Arkham City
LittleBigPlanet 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Uncharted 3 (I can dream)
Final Fantasy Versus XIII (I can dream)
A Persona 5 & FFVersusXlll 2011 release would be AWESOME! However, We wont get another Persona entry until probably 2012 since the team is working on Catherine :(. I am looking forward to getting my hands on LBP2, Infamous 2 Batman: Arkham City & Resistance 3 next year for now.FF Versus (1 can dream)
Persona 5 (1 can dream)
Uncharted 3 (It might make it late 2011)
Mass Effect 2
Deus Ex:HR
Dragon Age II
inFamous 2
Dead Space 2 (after price drop)
Killzone 3 (after price drop)
The Last Guardian
Ico Collection
Little Big Planet
A few more which I can't remember.
the only potentially AAA exclusives (which i always value over multiplat titles) slated to be released next year are inFamous 2, KZ3 and LBP2. of these, i'll definitely inFamous 2 and probably KZ3, if i can warm up to the idea of playing FPS on a console in time. most of my purchases will be old titles, and i might get a PSP as well.
Next year, gonna have some awesome titles. Mine are:
L.A. Noire
Socom 4
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Infamous 2
Little Big Planet 2
Dead Space 2
The Last Guardian
Hunted: The Demon Forge
MotorStorm: Apocalpyse
Disgaea 4 lol
Dead Space 2 and Need For Speed Shift 2 Unleashed are both pre-ordered already:D Cannot wait to get my hands on those. Red Faction Armageddon will also get pre-ordered once the release date draws a bit closer. I'm also excited about Deus Ex, Rage, LA Noire and Mass Effect 2, but I'll be waiting to read the reviews, just to make sure they live up to what I'm expecting. Then there's Motorstorm Apocalypse, though I don't know if that's coming next year for sure.
Oh, and I suppose we'll be getting an F1 2011 as well!
Dead Space 2
Portal 2
Killzone 3
Duke Nukem Forever
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Dragon Age 2 (For PC though..)
Crysis 2
Red Faction: Armageddon
Ico/Shadow of Colossus Collection
LA Noir
Batman: Arkham City
Resistance 3
Hitman 5 (maybe? Nah..probably not)
Dungeon Siege 3
Max Payne 3 (one can hope)
Yea, its gonna be a good year.
Those are big words.In 2011 the PS3 will put all other systems to shame with it's great exclusives.
Gonna be such a great year...especially for exclusives. Little Big Planet 2 inFamous 2 Ico Collection The Last Guardian Killzone 3 Journey (psn game) I have no idea what to expect from Final Fantasy XIV once it's ready for PS3 release. The pc version is a mess right now. So time will tell. Multiplats: Hunted: The Demon's Forge has very much captured my interest. There have been inclinations of Demon's Souls 2 (Or Project Dark as it's known now) Also rumors of possibly another Oblivion game.TheMoreYouOwn
this plus dues ex, rage, duke nukem forever and alice: madness returns
Every year is a fine year for gaming! :D
In 2011 I'll be getting:
Yakuza 4
Beyond Good & Evil 2
True Crime: Hong Kong
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Twisted Metal
Motorstorm: Apocalypse
Red Faction: Armageddon
Indeed. The most amazing year for the PS3 will be 2011.
I'm getting
Uncharted 3 (should be on every PS3 owner's list, shame on you if it isn't :P)
Killzone 3
Final Fantasy Versus 13
Assassin's Creed game(unannounced but confirmed)
The Last Guardian
Metal Gear Solid: Rising
Dead Space 2
Bioshock Infinite
Ninja Gaiden 3
Batman Arkham City
We're going to be utterly broke :P
Most of what everyone has said so far.
Lately tho i've been really interested in I am Alive, this game looks amazing.
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