@demi0227_basic: You're probably better off waiting for the retail re-release version that is coming out this fall and comes with the base game and all of the dlc, but if you want to hop in now, I believe it is around $20 with the two DLC's $20 a piece and then the Taken King out later this year priced at $40.
Things you should know:
If you're looking for an immersive story, stear clear, Destiny is pretty dry when it comes to storytelling. Most missions devolve into go here, scan something with your ghost, and defend against waves of enemies or fight a mini boss. The shooting mechanics are really solid and quite enjoyable. There is a PVP mode called the crucible which doesn't take levels into account so you could go straight into the crucible as soon as it unlocks at like level 5, i think, but I wouldn't recommend it because even though it doesn't take level into consideration, you won't have many of your abilities and upgrades. Since it is an MMO, there is quite a bit of grind. Levels 1 - 20 are gained by XP, but once you hit 20 you level up with light. You get light from blue or better armor and the only way to level up is to upgrade your existing armor or find better armor that gives you more light. If you're just farming or repeating missions in hopes of good drops, then it takes forever to find better gear. The fastest option, which is what I opted for, is to either work on your Vanguard rep (increased by doing strikes and patrol missions) or your Crucible rep (increased by playing crucible matches). To increase these rep there are daily bounties which will grant you like 50 or 100 rep toward these factions. Some example of these bounties are: "Complete 5 round of Control" , "Kill 10 guardians with a shotgun". Once you get to rank 2 or 3 with these factions you will be able to purchase good legendary weapons and armor for marks. Marks are earned along side the rep for doing the strikes and crucible. Also like any MMO, there are raids and strikes. Strikes are just short missions that end with a boss battle and has matchmaking. Raids on the other hand are long and designed quite well, but there is NO matchmaking, so you have to find a group of people by yourself, because they are impossible to do solo.
I enjoyed Destiny to some degree, I put in about 200 hours into the game and most of it was enjoyable, but then I realized there was nothing to strive for. I worked my ass off trying to get up to level 30, grinding rep and trying to earn ascendant shards (Note: there are like 13 different currencies in this game), but when the dlc released the Vanguard and Crucible vendors sold armor that would automatically get you up to level 30, but then the level cap was raised to 33. This killed my experience in Destiny, because I was faced with a choice. I could grind for another 30 hours trying to get up to level 33 or I could just wait for the next DLC and then just purchase better gear from the merchants. So i decided to not even waste my time trying to level up but then I realized there is nothing else to do if you're not interested in PVP or leveling. Don't take my falling out with Destiny as me telling you not to purchase the game, I had a lot of fun for like 200 hrs and then just got tired of it, which I guess will happen for any game if you play it that long. I might get back into it when the Taken King releases, but I don't want to pay $40 for another short-ass expansion.
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