Santa brought me Mirrors Edge and Quantum of Solace for christmas. Quite dissapointed because i wanted games like COD5 or LBP etc etc
So lets get down to it. I'm going to the shops tomorrow and i need any game to keep me entertained for a looong time. Price wise PoP is the cheapest but i really want COD5. LBP seems good but im not 100% sure it'll keep me satasfied. I have games to trade in as well so "hopefully" i'll get a good deal.
What game do you think i should get out of the 3? and should i trade in these games:
Assassins Creed, Dark Sector, Metal Gear Ac!d, Monster Hunter Freedom, Silent Hill Origins, Splinter Cell Essentials. Going to get rid of two wii games as well.
I didn't like any of the above all too much. How much do you think i will get for all of that? Thanks guys and sorry to be a bother.
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