I could go on FOREVER about the amazingness of the metal gear solid series, but I just finished MGS 3, and the ending BLEW ME AWAY. I was laughing at the brilliant humor they manage to throw in, but mostly I was staring in awe and disbelief, literally talking to myself saying "No freaking way..." at the plot twists and information they revealed. Knowing that peacewalker follows after this game, I decided I HAVE to get a psp and buy peacewalker, and seeing this trailer http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=77469convinced me. Unfortunately, I don't have a PS3 so I can't play MGS4 (IT'S KILLING ME) but I can afford a psp (hopefully soon). Anyway, what are your guy's thoughts on peacewalker or the MGS series in general.
Did anyone else almost go crazy when they revealed in the timeline that the snake you were playing as was really Big Boss? That lost bit of info had me a little confused the entire game, because I didn't know (after reading the backstories and stuff of previous metal gears) whether Big Boss came after or before The Boss, and I felt like an idiot after the end. I thought that was amazing, but then they said Ocelot was ADAM, and I almost lost it again. Anyway, I love MGS.
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