First off the only worst games besides those develop by ea (lazy mother ******s) are PORTED games from ubisoft and some others. The only reason why they suck is because the developers aren't making the games as good as they can, but some others like the developer of graw2 are taking there time and the game is looking awesome. (Even though graw 2 isn't a port but you get my point) Take bethseda for example, they made oblivion look a lil better and run a lil better on the ps3 than the xbox 360 version. This is a fact so no flaming please just using it as an example. So enough with these threads already I get tired saying the same stuff over and over. But yeah you get my point right?
I don't think that every single multiplat game was better on the 360. the Darkness was scored the same on both platforms and Oblivion was better on the PS3 or the same. It's just a matter of getting the developers to develop the game first on the PS3 then port it over to the 360 instead of doing the opposite. It won't take long though I hope
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